Welcome to Encleso web scanner
Encleso allows you to scan documents direcly from your web browser, save scanned pages from multiple scan sessions, and create downloadable documents from multiple scanned pages, or download single pages as images, in various formats like PDF, Multi-page TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and more other formats.
You can also use Encleso to scan documents from your own website using Encleso javascript component.
Encleso is compatible with almost any TWAIN-supported scanner.
Getting started
Getting started with Encleso is very easy. Just sign up for a free account, download the Encleso Client Application, and start scanning right away!
In the free mode, you can enjoy the full features of Encleso, but a watermark will be drawn on the scanned pages.
If you like Encleso and want to remove the watermark, head to the License section to learn about how to purchase a full copy of the application.
For developers:
If you are a developer and want to incorporate Encleso to scan from your website, it's also very easy.
After creating a free account and downloading the Encleso Clinet Application as usual, add the following script to your web page: (preferably near the closing </body> tag and before your own scripts)
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://encleso.com/Assets/scripts/encleso.min.js"></script>
And that's it. You can now use the global Encleso namespace and invoke its class methods.Tutorial
This section explains how to use Encleso javascript component to scan from your website.
Scripts below depend on JQuery to make the code as little as possible, but generally, JQuery is not needed for using Encleso and its methods, neither it is needed for the Encleso library itself.
The following tutorial scans and saves only one page, in order to keep things simple. However, it can be easily adapted to scan and save multiple images by
reading the Reference section.
Note that this may reset your Image Library that you use with Encleso on this site. Also note that the scripts below may lack some error checks,
for the same simplicity reasons.
// Set Encleso funtions (OnError() and OnReady())
Encleso.OnError = function(err) {
// Reset your UI and show error message (from parameter: err.Message)
// (Optional) Refresh the page after a timeout to re-check
Encleso.OnReady = function(ret) {
// Go through ret.ScannersList and add scanner names to your UI
var options = '';
for (let i = 0; i < ret.ScannersList.length; i++) {
let optSelected = (i == ret.DefaultIndex) ? 'selected' : '';
options += '<option ' + optSelected + '>' + ret.ScannersList[i] + '</option>';
function ScannerCombo_OnChange() {
// Get the name of the currently selected scanner
var ScannerName = $('#ScannerName option:selected').val();
// Call Encleso.GetCapabilities() to get the capabilities of that scanner
Encleso.GetCapabilities(ScannerName).then(ret => {
// Set your UI according to the received capabilities (ret)
// i.e. Scanner's supported resolution, pixel mode, etc.
After that the user sets the scan configuration (scan resolution, color mode, etc.).
When the "Start Scan" button is pressed, call these two methods:
Calling SetCapabilities() method is optional, but it should be called first because it affects the next call of StartScan().
var ScannerName = $('#ScannerName option:selected').val();
var ShowUI = $("#chkShowUI").is(":checked");
// Create 'Caps' object and pass it to the SetCapabilities() method
let Caps = {
Resolution: $('#resolution option:selected').val(),
PixelType: $('#colorMode option:selected').val(),
Duplex: $('#chkDuplex').prop('checked')
// Start the actual scan
Encleso.StartScan(ScannerName, ShowUI).then(async (ret) => {
// If (ret.ScannedImagesCount < 1) This means the scan was canceled
// Otherwise, show the scanned page
By setting the ShowUI parameter, you can control whether to show the scanner's driver user interface or not.
To show the scanned image, call Encleso.GetImagePreview():
let imgIndex = 0; // Get the first scanned image
Encleso.GetImagePreview(imgIndex).then(ret => {
$('#outputImage').attr("src", ret);
The ret parameter returns the scanned image data as a javascript Blob object, which is suitable to be used directly in the <img> tag's src attribute.
To save the scanned document to your computer, use Encleso.SaveImageToFilesystem() and supply the image index and the desired file format.
You can supply formats like PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and more. Multi-page TIFF and PDF are also supported.
let format = "png";
Encleso.SaveImageToFilesystem(format, [0]); // Save the first image (index = 0)
This concludes the tutorial, but there are more methods exported from the Encleso class. Read more about them in the License and Reference sections.
You can use Encleso with all its features for free, but with a watermark which will be drawn on every scanned page.
To remove the watermark, purchase your copy of Encleso by contacting us using the Contact Us form, or sending us an email at: sales@jse.de.
On purchasing, you get a license key.
You need to call Encleso License API from your website's back-end, and pass your license key. The API will return a license token, which you need to pass to your page's javascript, and call Encleso.SetLicense() from within Encleso.OnReady event handler.
This will insure applying your purchased license and remove the watermark from your scans.
Exposing the license tokens to the front-end is not a problem, as these tokens are used for one time only, valid only for a limited time, and work only with your "allowed origin" that you specify when ordering the license key.
Please, keep your license key safe in your back-end.
Let's see a practical example:
From your back-end, call the License API and pass your License Key.
$url = 'https://encleso.com/API/SetLicenseKey'; // The license API endpoint
$data = ['Key' => 'xxx-your-license-key-xxx']; // Replace this by your key
$headers = "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$headers .= "Origin: https://yoursite.com\r\n"; // Replace this by your site origin
// Use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
$options = [
'http' => [
'header' => $headers,
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query($data)
'ssl' => [
'verify_peer' => false,
'verify_peer_name' => false,
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
if ($result === false) {
// Handle error
$jsonRes = json_decode($result);
// Output the received token to your javascript, passing it to Encleso.SetLicense()
echo 'const TOKEN = "' . $jsonRes->token . '";';
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
class MyClass
static async Task SendLicenseRequest()
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Origin", "https://yoursite.com"); // Replace by your site origin
var values = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Key", "xxx-your-license-key-xxx" } // Replace this by your key
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);
// The license API endpoint
var response = await client.PostAsync("https://encleso.com/API/SetLicenseKey", content);
var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
dynamic respJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseString);
// Output the received token to your javascript, passing it to Encleso.SetLicense()
string token = (string)respJson.token;
const https = require('https'); // Using the native https module
const data = JSON.stringify({
Key: 'xxx-your-license-key-xxx' // Replace by your key
const options = {
path: 'https://encleso.com/API/SetLicenseKey', // API endpoint
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Origin': 'https://yoursite.com' // Replace by your site origin
const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
let data = '';
res.on('data', (chunk) => { data += chunk; });
res.on('end', () => {
// Output the received token to your frontend javascript, passing it to Encleso.SetLicense()
var token = JSON.parse(data).token;
}).on('error', (err) => {
// Handle errors
console.log("Error: ", err.message);
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'json'
@toSend = {
"Key" => "xxx-your-license-key-xxx" # Replace by your key
uri = URI.parse("https://encleso.com/API/SetLicenseKey") # API endpoint
https = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
https.use_ssl = true
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path)
req['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
req['Origin'] = 'https://yoursite.com' # Replace by your site origin
req.body = "[ #{@toSend} ]"
res = https.request(req)
# Output the received token to your frontend javascript, passing it to Encleso.SetLicense()
puts res.body.token
import requests
import json
url = 'https://encleso.com/API/SetLicenseKey' # API endpoint
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Origin": "https://yoursite.com", # Replace by your site origin
payload = {
"Key": "xxx-your-license-key-xxx" # Replace by your key
r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
# Output the received token to your frontend javascript, passing it to Encleso.SetLicense()
Add the line await Encleso.SetLicense(TOKEN); passing your received token from the previous step, inside the Encleso.OnReady event handler:
Encleso.OnReady = async function(ret) {
await Encleso.SetLicense(TOKEN); // Put your token here
// The rest of the function
Note that we used the async keyword in the event handler definition, to be able to use SetLicense() as a waitable method.
That's it. If you provide the correct credentials, your license will be applied automatically and the watermark will be removed.
This section describes Encleso javascript library's exported class methods in details.
General notes:
Description | Fired when an error occurs, like error in connection with the Clinet App or other reasons described below. |
Usage |
Encleso.OnError = function(err) { } Encleso calls your handler function with the err parameter that contains 2 properties:
Description | Fired when the library has established a connection with the ClinetApp, and has read a list of installed scanners in the system. |
Usage |
Encleso.OnReady = function(ret) { } Encleso calls your handler function with the ret parameter that contains 2 properties:
Description | Returns multiple capability values related to the selected scanner. (awaitable function) |
Usage |
Encleso.GetCapabilities(ScannerName).then(function(ret) { }) Parameters:
The ret parameter is a JSON object that contains the following properties:
The Resolution and PixelType properties consist of a JSON object with the following properties:
The Values property of the PixelType has numeric values of the TWAIN.PixelType enumertaion. You can use the Encleso.PixelTypeToString() function to convert the numeric values to their textual representative. The Duplex property consists of a JSON object with the following properties:
The Feeder, AutoRotate, AutoDeskew, and AutoBrightness properties consist of a JSON object with the following properties:
The AutoDiscardBlankPages property consists of a JSON object with the following properties:
Description |
Returns a single capability value related to the selected scanner. (awaitable function) This method is useful if you want to get a capability beyond those retrieved by Encleso.GetCapabilities(). |
Usage |
Encleso.GetCapability(ScannerName, CapId, CapMsg).then(function(ret) { }) Parameters:
The ret parameter is a JSON object that contains the following properties:
Check the value of the ContType to determine the type of the Value property:
Consult the TWAIN specification to learn about Capability Ids, Capability Messages, Container types, and value types. |
Description | Sets multiple capability values to be applied on the next call to Encleso.StartScan(). |
Usage |
Encleso.SetCapabilities(Caps) Create and provide the Caps parameter like the following:
Caps's properties are optional, but you should provide at least one if you want to call this method. This method has no return value. |
Description | Sets a single capability value. Like Encleso.SetCapabilities(), the capability will be applied on the next call to Encleso.StartScan(). | ||||||||||
Usage |
Encleso.SetCapability(CapId, ValType, Value) Parameters:
This method has no return value. |
Description | Starts the actual scan process. Takes into account any previous call to Encleso.SetCapability() and Encleso.SetCapabilities(). (awaitable function) |
Usage |
Encleso.StartScan(ScannerName, ShowUI).then(function(ret) { }) Parameters:
The ret parameter is a JSON object that contains the following property:
After scan, this method adds the newly scanned pages to the Image Library. Properties of the ret object reflect the updated Image Library. |
Description | Sets your license information to activate the full version of Encleso. (awaitable function) |
Usage |
await Encleso.SetLicense(token) Parameters:
Returns: This method has no return value. |
Description | Gets the total count of scanned images/pages in the Imagelibrary. (awaitable function) |
Usage |
await Encleso.ImageLibGetCount() Parameters: none. Returns: (numeric) The count of images in the Image Library. |
Description | Deletes one or more images/pages from the Image Library. (awaitable function) |
Usage |
Encleso.ImageLibRemove(idxList).then(function(ret) { }) Parameters:
The ret parameter is a JSON object that contains the following property:
Description | Gets a preview of one on the scanned images in the Imagelibrary. (awaitable function) |
Usage |
Encleso.GetImagePreview(imgIndex).then(function(ret) { }) Parameters:
The ret parameter is a binary Blob data, which can be used directly in the src attribute of an <img> tag. |
Description | Gets a thumbnail image of one on the scanned images in the Imagelibrary. (awaitable function) |
Usage |
Encleso.GetImageThumbnail(imgIndex).then(function(ret) { }) Parameters:
The ret parameter is a binary Blob data, which can be used directly in the src attribute of an <img> tag. |
Description |
Allows you to get a pdf data consisting of one or more images from the Image library. Suitable for printing (awaitable function) Note: To save a PDF file to your computer, use the Encleso.SaveImageToFilesystem() method instead of this one. |
Usage |
await Encleso.GetImagesAsPrintablePdf(idxList) Parameters:
Returns a binary Blob representing the pdf file for printing. The Encleso.SaveImageToFilesystem() method is preferred if you want to get a PDF to save to your computer. |
Description | Allows you to save one or more images/pages in the Image Library as one of the supported file formats, to your computer. (awaitable function) | ||||||||||||||||
Usage |
Encleso.SaveImageToFilesystem(fileFormat, idxList) Parameters:
Returns: none. This method initiates a download operation that saves your image/images as a file/files to your computer in the requested format. |
Helper methods:
Description | Gets a textual representative of one of the TWAIN's pixel types. |
Usage |
Encleso.PixelTypeToString(twainPixelTypeVal) Parameters:
Returns: (string) The textual representative of the passed TWAIN.PixelType value. |